Art for Arf collage 2012

Art for Arf collage 2012
You Quiero Cupcakes

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Now what in the world have I been doing since I added those last pictures at the end of May?

Hmmm... oh yes
working at the writing center at VMI and writing a blog about writing analysis essays.
 Blog address 

Working on a collage for an August show Farm to Table using rust fabric, leaf printing, and stitching on a canvas covered with wrinkled tissue paper, painted and rubbed with show polish.

July was mostly downtime and puttering around with nothing much to show for it.

Now it is time to keep up with the tomato harvest by making gallons of tomato juice.

I offered classes at CFSOTA, but only three people signed up in May and then no one else all summer. We'll try again in September.
Need to visit the new director there soon so we can talk about what kinds of classes might fly. Monsters?