Art for Arf collage 2012

Art for Arf collage 2012
You Quiero Cupcakes

Monday, January 11, 2016

A lot of art making is tedious. I am adding layers and layers of paper to the big mask and layers of paint and ribbon to the rainbow mask. It is slow going. A good reason to have several projects going at once. Good thing I have a large work table!

I built up the mouth nose and eyebrows with cardboard, plastic, and masking tape. When I began layering glue and paper over the masking tape, I found that the tissue paper worked better than the phone book paper.

I am trying to be more patient with the large mask so I can build up the structure and have a smooth surface to paint on.

layers on top of airbags

Mouth detail with added masking tape

full mask with lip nose and eyebrow detail added

rainbow mask Jan. 10

Some masks I found on the internet.

Baule ( Ivory Coast, Africa

Vaquero (cowboy) Oaxaca, Mexico

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