Art for Arf collage 2012

Art for Arf collage 2012
You Quiero Cupcakes

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I have made these for friends and family the last two Christmases. People have suggested I sell them, butthey are labor intensive and would be very expensive!

The bodies are made of hand sewn scrap fabric painted with glue and latex or acrylic paint. The antlers are twigs or shapes cut with a cookie cutter using

Creative Paper Clay

The legs are antique cut nails from my husband's stash of old building materials.

The first sets last year were mostly brown with bone colored antlers. One night my daughter added gold paint to the antlers and legs and added spots. I really liked the look. This year the few sets I've made are white and gold. This batch will get gold ribbons around their necks.

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