Art for Arf collage 2012

Art for Arf collage 2012
You Quiero Cupcakes

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 5, 2016

Reminder why I am creating this blog.

Sometime in mid April, I will begin teaching mask making and paper mache workshops at the Clifton Forge School of the arts in Clifton Forge Virginia.

I sent a proposal for the first set of workshops to cfsota yesterday. 

Since the beginning of December  I have been making masks and documenting my progress or mishaps or grumbling....

Here is my current progress on the rainbow mask.

I am going to set it aside for the day and work on a larger one I started in early December.

In the larger picture you can see that I am incorporating small pieces of ribbon and fabric, beads and sequins.

The "hair' will be dyed wood shred packaging and bits of twine.

It is the right size for tying onto one's head but I think it will do best as a wall hanging.

Comments on building and adding ornamentation. 
While hot glue guns are great for building the base of the mask and attaching rough parts, I do not find the glue suitable for adding finer details. Something like undiluted Elmer's Glue-all or Alene's Tacky Glue give me much more control.

I am not satisfied with the current craft paint I am using. I have some Apple Barrel, Walmart, and DecoArt and they are not thick enough. I have ordered some gouache paints from Jerry's Artarama and I hope they will be thicker and provide better coverage.
The brand is Turner Acryl Gouache.

Jerry's Artarama has the best prices on the internet.


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